I’m A Celebrity: Dean McCullough quits trial as viewers spot Ant McPartlin’s ‘irritated’ reaction

I’m A Celebrity star Dean McCullough quit the Bushtucker trial tonight after bagging four out of 10 stars.

The radio star faced the Lethal Lab. The trial involved him having to go to different science stations where he had the chance to win stars.

However, during one station, he had to put his head into boxes and try and get the stars using just his tongue. In one box, Dean faced cockroaches while in another he had spiders crawling over his head.

But Dean called out “I’m A Celebrity… Get Me Out of Here!” when it came to a box containing… fish guts.

Ant and Dec during I'm A Celebrity trial
Viewers spotted Ant’s ‘irritated’ reaction tonight (Credit: ITV)

Dean McCullough on I’m A Celebrity

Dean told hosts Ant and Dec that he didn’t want to know what was in the boxes until he was out of it.

However, as fish guts were poured into the box, Dean squealed and shouted out the iconic phrase meaning the trial came to an end.

I feel like I’m being told off by Ant and Dec!

He said: “I’m A Celebrity… Get Me Out of Here! Stop, stop stop! What is that?!”

Ant replied: “It’s only fish guts.”

Dean looked shocked as he said: “Fish guts? Ah it stinks.”

Dean McCullough during trial on I'm A Celebrity
Tonight, Dean quit the trial after getting four stars (Credit: ITV)
Dean was let out of the trial, as he said: “I’m sorry.”

Ant told him: “If you would have let us tell you what was coming in, you wouldn’t have freaked out. Why did you call it on fish guts?!”

Before the trial, Ant had told Dean: “Now Dean, I want to have a word with you. What happened yesterday? No stars. You can only change the narrative by sticking with it and getting on with it.”

Dean replied: “I feel like I’m being told off by Ant and Dec!”

It came after his trial on Wednesday’s show where he and GK Barry failed to get any stars.

Tonight, Dean went back to camp with four stars and he was thrilled. However, back in the live studio, Ant didn’t seem impressed.

Ant and Dec during I'm A Celebrity trial
Ant wasn’t impressed over Dean’s four stars (Credit: ITV)

I’m A Celeb trial

He said: “What the [bleep] hell?! He only gets four stars and [the campmates] give him a hero’s welcome. Four stars though, it’s not good is it?”

On X, viewers shared their thoughts with many thinking Ant looked “irritated” by Dean. One person said: “Ant can’t even remotely hide his disdain for Dean.”

Another wrote: “Ant can’t stand Dean, he is making it very obvious.”

Someone else added: “Ant couldn’t show his disgust on his face anymore.”

Another said: “Ant’s face says it all. He’s as irritated with him as the rest of us are! This is getting so boring.”

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Others were amused by Dean, however, as well as Ant’s reaction. One said: “Ant being lowkey mad at Dean is too funny.”

Another wrote: “I’m unaware who Dean is but he’s funny.”