Mike Tyson Details The ‘Nasty Stuff’ He Did Sexually With A Prison Counselor To Reduce Jail Time (VIDEO)

Mike Tyson has had one crazy life. He has experienced the highest of highs and the lowest of lows. Back in 1992, he was charged with the rape of a beauty pageant contestant and drew a sentence of six years.

Iron Mike only served three years, but there’s seems to be a reason for that. While his sentence was shortened, the original sentence was for four years. The reason behind that is the bad behavior he showed because he was upset at the outcome of his trial.

Tyson claimed in an interview with Vlad TV that he got himself in trouble during his first six months in prison by “cursing, getting written up” and other incidents. He added he was able to use his relationship with a prison counselor to get out earlier than expected.

“Next thing you know, I’m dating one of the counsel workers now, she’s letting me have sex with her now. … So by passing the GED (General Education Department) they took that year (added year) away,” Tyson explained, via John Hutchinson of The Sun. “So I flunked the f—ing GED and got mad, and so I had to start dating this counsellor and stuff, giving her money and doing really some nasty stuff to her, and she let me pass this test.”

Tyson would eventually see that fourth year in prison taken away and get his release after three years.


Looking back on the incident, Tyson admitted that he should’ve been in prison for a lot longer. He was initially slapped with over 50 years—virtually the rest of his life.

“I came in with 50-something [years] … They cut it all the way down to three years,” Tyson said. “I was doing 69 at first—they gave me 63, no. Then they took 10 off, then it was 53. And then they gave me 10, I had to do three, I got seven on parole, I guess, yeah.”