Kim Kardashian has caused a lot of concern among her fans as she has been spotted with her fingers wrapped in bandages and she’s now revealed what caused the horrifying accident.
The 43-year-old has been wearing bandages since March of this year, but has been keeping quiet on what happened. Now, on the latest episode of The Kardashians, Kim explained how the tip of her finger fell off in an incident “more painful than childbirth”.
Kim was filmed at a treatment center as she sought help for her injury. “My big sliding door to my bathroom that opens up and you see the whole window in my bathroom? I was shutting it and there’s no latch,” Kim said as she started to tell the cameras what happened.
Kim Kardashian had the tip of her finger fall off (
She continued: “You have to pull the inside of the mechanics out. So I pulled them out like this and usually I stop it with my hand, but I pulled it really hard and then Saint ran in with chips and I’m like, ‘It’s 8.30 at night, no chips.’
“And then it went boom and I was like,” Kim then made a face like she was about to throw up in pain as she recalled the incident. She added: “I literally looked at my hand and I fell to the ground.”
Kim’s injured fingers were then shown on screen. Her index finger and middle fingers were purple and the tip of the middle finger was cut off, showing a bloody hole. Kim told the cameras: “I just grabbed the table and got on my knees ’cause I just saw all this blood and it was like my bone sticking out a little bit and I just was like, [whispers] ‘Get me help’.
She had been wearing bandages on her fingers (
Kim Kardashian/Instagram)
The injury sounds very painful (
“I was just like, [whispers] ‘I need ice’. Like I didn’t scream, I didn’t anything, I just was like, [whispers] ‘Help’.” Back at the center, Kim explained to the receptionist how two of her fingers were broken.
Describing the pain, the mom-of-four added: “I wanted to die.” She admitted she was terrified when the doctor told her there was a possibility her nail would never grow back. Luckily, when Kim went to see the doctor again, he said she was making great progress.
He told her: “Listen, I think you dodged a bullet. Could’ve been really bad.” Speaking in a confessional, Kim admitted the pain was “horrible”, even after a few days.
She added: “I just literally couldn’t do anything but freeze. And you can’t even describe the pain, but your whole body goes into shock. It was like, more painful than childbirth.”