During Tuesday’s instalment of Good Morning Britain, Susanna Ried brought some breaking news to viewers which has unfolded over the last few hours. The ITV star confirmed a 26-year-old man has been charged with the murder of the health insurance company boss Brian Thompson in America.
The CEO was shot in New York last week, which prompted a huge manhunt for the killer. Sharing more information, Richard Madeley told viewers: “The suspect is 26-year-old Luigi Mangione. He was arrested at a McDonald’s restaurant nearly 300 miles away from the crime scene.”
Noel informed the two presenters that this murder has captivated the attention of people in America. He said: “In the last two hours or so, we’ve seen people coming here and taking photographs and that is because behind me is the very spot where Brian Thompson was shot dead in broad daylight.
“Police say the gun was found on the suspect, which they believe was the very same weapon used here. He also had a handwritten manifesto detailing his hatred and anger for health insurance companies.”
The ITV correspondent added that those who know the suspect are in disbelief as his family released a statement this morning on the matter. A statement posted on Twitter by Nino Mangione, wrote: “We only know what we have read in the media.
“Our family is shocked and devastated by Luigi’s arrest. We offer our prayers to the family of Brian Thompson, and we ask people to pray for all involved. We are devastated by this news. The Mangione Family.”
The healthcare boss was killed last Wednesday in Manhattan. Good Morning Britain viewers were told that Luigi is from a wealthy family and graduated from an Ivy League school.
Noel added: “He (Luigi) was wearing a face mask while eating breakfast inside this Mcdonald’s in Pennsylvania when a customer became suspicious and reported him to an employee who then tipped off the police.