This Morning has been hit by a wave of Ofcom complaints after controversial OnlyFans star Bonnie Blue appeared on the show last week to defend her sl33ping with ‘barely legal 18-year-olds’.
The adult content creator, 25, claims to make £600,000 a month through her X-r@ted account, where she is famed for seducing students into sl33ping with her on camera and posting the footage onto the subscription site.
She recently bedded hordes of teenage men at Nottingham Trent University Freshers Week and revealed plans to go to Australia for a repeat performance during ‘Schoolies’, a week-long holiday for high school graduates after their final exams in late November and early December.
After receiving overwhelming criticism and accusations of being a ‘predator’, Bonnie defended her ‘career’ on This Morning, as she insisted her actions were legal and claimed they were ‘educational’.
However, OfCom received a whopping 188 complaints from the public after the interview was broadcast live on ITV.
Speaking on the show, she said: ‘I’m still learning every day. But my content is educational to those that I’m sl33ping with, and those that are watching it’.
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This Morning has been hit by a wave of Ofcom complaints after controversial OnlyFans star Bonnie Blue appeared on the show last week
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The adult content creator, 25, claims to make £600,000 a month through her X-r@ted account, where she is famed for seducing students into sl33ping with her on camera and posting the footage onto the subscription site
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After receiving overwhelming criticism and accusations of being a ‘predator’, Bonnie defended her ‘career’ on This Morning, as she insisted her actions were legal and claimed they were ‘educational’
She went on: ‘People say it’s an unsafe environment, but I can’t think of one situation where an 18-year-old has had s3x where they’ve had to bring a passport, they’ve had to sign consent forms, they’ve had to do a breathalyzer.
‘And then they’re sl33ping with someone who is education and understands the industry. What part of that is unsafe?’
But viewers watching at home, were not convinced, and were furious that ITV had ‘sunk to the lowest depths’ by allowing Bonnie on the show.
They fumed: ‘The fact this morning has given Bonnie Blue a platform to talk is disgusting; ITV and #ThisMorning giving the predator Bonnie Blue air time is shameful. Literally everyone has disassociated from her yet you’re promoting this.’
‘Whoever invited Bonnie blue on this morning needs sacking #ThisMorning absolutely VILE; @thismorning why are you giving Bonnie Blue airtime? You’ve sunk to the lowest depths. Vile!’
‘#Bonnie Blue uses interviews like this rage bait and get more views. Shame on #ThisMorning for giving her a platform. I don’t think 18 year old boys can fully consent to having a video posted online FOREVER & what about STI’s…. She is abusing them.’
‘@thismorning why are you allowing Bonnie blue on the show? She’s literally been kicked out of two countries for using vulnerable teenagers for s3x; Are this morning for real giving Bonnie Blue air time? What the hell?!’
@ITV @thismorning Re- Bonnie Blue.. disappointed that you gave that airtime, then again alot of people will have seen her for what she is all about money and a danger to young people actually!
While many praised Ashley James for poking holes in the OnlyFans star’s defence, as they branded Bonnie as ‘dangerous’ to both young men and also other women, with her comments about how girls were ‘lazy’ if they didn’t please their men.
But viewers watching at home, were not convinced, and were furious that ITV had ‘sunk to the lowest depths’ by allowing Bonnie on the show
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While many praised Ashley James (pictured right) for poking holes in the OnlyFans star’s defence
They raged: ‘Bonnie Blue is one of the most disgusting opportunistic predator. She is vile. Morally disgusting and void of conscience. Lights are on but nobody is home.’
‘Ashley has done her research today, love it! This Bonnie woman is a predator, taking advantage of stupid young men. She’s making a fortune and the boys are just being used to line her pockets and satisfying her nasty perversions!’
‘Bonnie Blue slept with a father and son at the same time – I think that’s one very mixed up woman who has no boundaries. She needs to be prosecuted not prostituted’.
‘#Go on Ashley. This Bonnie Blue character is deluded and embarrassing. Why is she even on? Wrapping up what she does as education. Madness!’
‘Bonnie Blue saying women are lazy if they’re not doing enough to please men, that’s such a derogatory stance and unsupportive of women, especially those in abusive or controlling relationships. Words have consequences.’
‘#ThisMorning that segment with Bonnie Blue. Seems she was so defensive when Ashley made some valid points, like how she does women no favours. So she “educates” boys by showing them money can buy s3x. Instead of them experiencing meeting and falling in love the natural way.
‘That Bonnie Blue or whatever she is …is dangerous she’s found a gap in the market and using it with phrases like barley legal will attract all sorts of people potentially pedophiles! Also she’s insulting women who probably cannot do xyz for medical issues’.
‘”Karen’s at home complaining to their husbands” uhm no, I’m a single, young woman. I think she’s vile and a predator and she looks RIDICULOUS. She’s delusional that she thinks woman are somehow jealous of her? Or the hussle? Not everything revolves around men, Bonnie.’
‘#ThisMorning at the end of this interview it’s clear Bonnie Blue takes no accountability and there’s no remorse or emotion. Complete psychopath.’
They branded Bonnie as ‘dangerous’ to both young men and also other women, with her comments about how girls were ‘lazy’ if they didn’t please their men
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Ashley refuted Bonnie’s claims that she was being ‘educative’ as she said: ‘Women are not the s3xual property of men and women don’t exist to pleasure men and I never hear you talk about female pleasure’
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Bonnie hit back, as she insisted: ‘I’ll educate you on the true story of it. There is no content online for 18-year-olds or even people that are new to s3x’
Ashley refuted Bonnie’s claims that she was being ‘educative’ as she said: ‘There are lots of us that are fully supportive of s3xual liberation. The issues that people have with you specifically is the fact that you use terms like ‘barely-legal’, you use ‘baby-sitting for adults’ in a podcast with Lottie Moss.
‘You say you’re educating, but who are you educating? Because a lot of your audience are teenagers and we live in a society where incel culture is on the rise there’s a real fear not only for our daughters, but also for our sons.
‘And when you say you’re educating what kind of messaging are you putting out there? Because also I’ve heard you say phrases such as women are lazy if they’re not going to give s3x to their husbands, then those husbands dads and barely legal teenagers have a right…
‘Women are not the s3xual property of men and women don’t exist to pleasure men and I never hear you talk about female pleasure.’
Bonnie hit back, as she insisted: ‘I’ll educate you on the true story of it. There is no content online for 18-year-olds or even people that are new to s3x.
‘You go from at school where you learn about how get pregnant basically, how just have to safe s3x. But then they go from watching content online which is rough – choking, slapping, hair-pulling.
‘So are we only wanting our sons or the younger generation to watch that and try and perform that in a bedroom, because that’s dangerous for women.’
But Ashley replied: ‘I think you’re misunderstanding my point here. Of course I don’t want anyone watching rough pornography, my point here is what are you doing to teach young boys and girls, that women do not exist to please men. Men do not have a right to cheat with partners.
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When host Andi Peters (left) asked if she thought morally what she did was right, Bonnie replied: ‘100 per cent. There’s a massive gap for it. I’m doing what I do best which is pleasuring and educating’
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She has set her sights on breaking the world record for sl33ping with the most number of men in a 24-hour period next year, with the current record at 919
‘But also how are you teaching young boys that male pleasure is not the ultimate, there’s also female pleasure, there’s also respect. What are you doing to teach young men that they don’t just have an automatic right to s3x?’
When host Andi Peters asked if she thought morally what she did was right, Bonnie replied: ‘100 per cent. There’s a massive gap for it. I’m not saying women are here just to pleasure men, but I’m a content creator and I love pleasuring men.
‘So the bigger picture, that’s not my problem, I’m doing what I do best which is pleasuring and educating’.
Andi admitted: ‘I can’t decide if you are a genius marketer. You present very well, which makes me think the whole thing is very clever.’
Bonnie confessed: ‘It’s all the Karens sat at home that are going to complain about me being here that are making me rich.
‘Because they make it blow up and then when they’re are sat at home complaining about it to their husbands, they’re then wanting to come and subscribe so it sort of helps.’
Earlier this month, Bonnie spoke to the Mail and voiced her defense for seeking out ‘barely legal’ teenagers for her most prolific and controversial content.
She argued: ‘There’s two reasons. One: the teen category has been the most searched category online for a very long time, people have always done schoolgirls.
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Earlier this month, Bonnie spoke to the Mail and voiced her defense for seeking out ‘barely legal’ teenagers for her most prolific and controversial content
‘And I was like, there’s a gap in the market for someone being with a schoolboy. If that’s how we want to word it.
‘From a business point of view, I knew there was a massive, massive gap that I could [exploit]. And sl33ping with 18-year-olds makes the content a lot more relatable to the subscribers, who are younger.’
And she attacked critics who have slammed her as ‘disgusting’, ‘weird’, and an example of a ‘society that has lost its morals’.
Bonnie said: ‘These 18-year-olds can go to the Army, they can drive, they can drink, they’re choosing their careers for the rest of their life. If they want to use their own bodies to come and sl33p with me, that is their decision.’
‘We seem to say 18-year-olds don’t know better. But if an 18-year-old commits a crime, the first thing they would say is that they’re an adult, they should know better. So we seem to pick and choose when we like to treat them as kids.’
Asked about parents’ concern for their young adult sons, she went on: ‘I can see when they think of their 18-year-old boy, they want to wrap him in bubble wrap and they think they’re the most innocent sweet child that has ever existed. That’s not the case.
‘They’re going off and they’re drinking, they’re doing drugs and they’re having one night stands that are unprotected and they tend to be having s3x when they’ve had drinks, under the influence.
‘However, when they sl33p with me, it is in a controlled environment. There is security at the door, you’re filling in consent forms and you’re seeing someone that gets tested for STDs on a regular basis and is also an expert in the industry. So when you word it like that and take away the taboo subject of it, you take away the shame.’
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Bonnie has now set her sights on breaking the world record for sl33ping with the most number of men in a 24-hour period next year, hoping to reach 1000
Bonnie has now set her sights on breaking the world record for sl33ping with the most number of men in a 24-hour period next year.
The current record is held by an American adult film star Lisa Sparks, who bedded 919 men in a day.
Bonnie said: ‘I plan to do 1,000 in 24 hours to beat the world record. I’ll need a lot of pain killers and a hot water bottle after that.’
At the Nottingham freshers fortnight, she says she slept with 158 different men over the course of two weeks, which – she admits – was exhausting.
She confessed: ‘There’s not much time between people and definitely, towards the end, you’re getting a bit tired. But when you see they’re so excited it recharges my batteries.’
Bonnie’s real-name is Tia Billinger and she was previously married to her childhood sweetheart, Oliver Davidson, tying the knot in 2022 just before moving to Australia.
It was there that she abandoned her job in recruitment and launched her career as a ‘cam girl’ on porn sites.
Bonnie claims her then-husband supported her decision, however, the pair have since broken up after nine years together.’
The ex-boyfriend is really proud,’ she says. ‘We didn’t have a bad breakup. We are still really good friends.’
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Bonnie’s real-name is Tia Billinger and she previously married to her childhood sweetheart, Oliver Davidson in 2022 before moving to Australia, where she abandoned her job in recruitment and launched her career as a ‘cam girl’ on porn sites
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Bonnie has previously caused controversy by boasting that she sl33ps with married men, but she says she doesn’t feel guilty because she thinks its better that they cheat with her if ‘the wife’s not bothered about having intercourse or having an intimate relationship’
Her mum and dad were less open-minded when they found out about their daughter’s new career choice after one of her s3x tapes was sent to them.
‘They were shocked, but not disappointed,’ says Bonnie. ‘I think, because I’d gone from an office business job to then suddenly [becoming] a s3x worker, in their eyes I was a prostitute.
‘But it just showed me how much I needed to teach them. For the older generation it’s so new. Now they’re so supportive, it’s changed their life completely for the better. They go on lovely holidays. They have no money problems.
‘They don’t work and they don’t have a mortgage. My mum works for me. My mum makes signs for me to hold on camera and books my appointments. She was even handing out condoms to students for marketing.’
Bonnie has previously caused controversy by boasting that she sl33ps with married men, but she says she doesn’t feel guilty because she thinks its better that they cheat with her if ‘the wife’s not bothered about having intercourse or having an intimate relationship’.
She said: ‘If that’s the case, the men are going to cheat whether you like it or not. They are the statistics and that is what people do. And I also think they deserve to enjoy s3x.
‘It’s a natural instinct to want to have s3x, so if wives aren’t going to pleasure husbands, let them go elsewhere. There’s no intimacy, I can’t remember their face by the end of the night.
‘If they’re not sl33ping with me, they’re probably having an affair in the office or in the gym. With me it’s just an act, I am a girl that sl33ps around a lot. The husbands and partners mean nothing to me.’